God wants us, young and old, to come together when we pray. He doesn’t want division. We are to support one another. When we begin to grasp how integral it is that the Body of Christ unite, we will see walls that separate us fall down.
God’s heart has always been about unity. We can clearly see this when Jesus corrected the disciples because they were arguing over who would be greatest in the Kingdom. They even went to the Lord and asked Him what He thought. How foolish.
Jesus proceeded to tell them to become like a child or they would not enter the Kingdom. That was a reality check for the disciples since at this time in history children were not that important.
Let The Old Teach How To Pray
God considers the older Christians as mature. Therefore, they are to teach the younger Believers how to pray and walk with God. This is how He planned it.
In the Bible, God makes it clear that the older ones are to teach the younger ones. There is no getting around this. In order to accomplish this, the older ones must understand what it is that the younger Christians are facing today.
Young Prayer Warriors
Anyone Believe born after 1996 are labelled as Generation Z. This is a dynamic group of young people. Many believe that this is the generation who will see the coming of the Lord.
This group of young Christians have always had technology in their hands. They spent most of their time online. Most of their life is on the internet.
Sadly, after highschool, within this group, most stop seeking the Lord. They are not able to see how the Bible would work in their life.
This is a big problem in the Church today worldwide. The older Believers should be praying like never before to reach this group of young prayer warriors. They are just waiting to be nurtured in Christ and to see the miraculous.
How To Reach Young People
If you ask a young person today they will likely point to their parents as their biggest source of personal growth. They more than likely simply walked in their parent’s footsteps in more ways than one.
This is a big factor to consider because it means that young Christians are watching what the older Christians are doing (not saying but doing).
Mature Christians should be taking a good look at their lives and asking whether or not they are representing Jesus Christ properly. The younger generation wants Jesus but they are looking up at the older generation to decide if they want what they have.
Pray and Show Them Jesus
The key to keeping young people praying and in the church is to show them Jesus. They need to see how Jesus is relevant in their life and how much of a difference He really does make in one’s life.
They need to be taught how to have a relationship with their Lord that is alive and fruitful. They aren’t looking for a list of what to do and not do.