Be a Doer Of The Word Of God

It’s time to start reaching people together. Yes, it’s time for the Body of Christ around the world to reach the lost with the Gospel. The world is dying and we carry the Good News that can set them free.

It’s time to be a doer of God’s Word and not just a hearer. This is how we can reach people with the message of Jesus’ love for them. This is what it is all about. This is what B4 Prayer is all about.

Christians around the world should be uniting and praying together. Men, women, and children should be joining hands in agreement. When we walk in agreement it releases the Holy Spirit to bring healing, deliverance, salvation, and seeing people walk in freedom.

Supporting the spreading of the Gospel is what we can all do. Whether it’s a donation or simply sharing a positive Bible scripture on social media. The ability to carry the light of the Jesus Christ is easier than ever in the time we live in.

Jesus wants more and more people to preach His message. The more Believers we have, the more that can be done in faith, hope, and love. God needs you!

There is no better time than right now to raise your hands to Heaven and declare before God that you’re ready to preach the Good News! Join with other Christians around the world who are making this declaration of commitment.

Don’t wait! Become an important part of seeing people delivered right now and pray to the Lord that He can count on you.
